
Easy Craft Pumpkin Flower Arrangement

September 26, 2017
pumpkin flower arrangement

Fall is here and I’m so excited! I love the crisp mornings, the brisk evenings, and the way it looks outside around dusk. One thing I miss with the Fall season are the bright colors from Spring and Summer. I wanted to add a little punch of color to my front porch area which is why I decided to go with a teal pumpkin for my flower arrangement.

pumpkin flower arrangement

I went to my craft store and saw the orange and beige pumpkins. The beige pumpkin almost stole my heart but then I saw the teal and knew that was the one I was getting!

Being a mom, I don’t have a lot of extra time so I needed this project to be quick, not just for me but for you too. It took me about 5 minutes to complete it. It’s nothing fancy but it looks nice. The final product can be placed outside or you can bring it in the house. I chose mums for my flowers, to stick with the Fall theme, but any flowers or succulents would work. I used 2, 4in mums or you could use a 1 gallon pot. It took me longer to decide on the colors of the mums I wanted to use than to actually make the project.

How I made it

First, I cut the top off of the pumpkin with a serrated knife and cut a small hole in the bottom for drainage. Then, I took a plastic bag (the kind you put your produce in at the store) and lined my pumpkin. I also cut a hole in the bag for drainage. Lastly, I filled it with potting soil and my flowers. Pretty simple right?! I now have my pop of color on my front porch. Now it’s your turn…

Materials Needed

  • craft pumpkin of any color
  • flowers
  • potting soil
  • plastic bag or plastic container to line the pumpkin
  • serrated knife

Super Easy Steps

1. Cut the top off the pumpkin using a serrated knife and cut a small hole in the bottom of the pumpkin for drainage.

pumpkin flower arrangement                     pumpkin flower arrangement

2. Line the pumpkin with a plastic bag (like the kind you put produce in at the store) or a plastic container. Cut a small hole in the bottom for drainage.

3. Add potting soil and flowers.

pumpkin flower arrangement

4. Cut the excess off the plastic bag. By leaving it on there it catches some of the soil that doesn’t make it into the pumpkin. This really helps with the mess, LOL.

5. Water and place where ever you would like.

Well done and enjoy it!




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