
Mom Mission Statement

December 21, 2017
Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement
Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement . #mission statement #mom #intentional
Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement . #mission statement #mom #intentional
Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement . #mission statement #mom #intentional

Being mom is a full time job. “Mom” is not just a title that we are called but it’s a position that we hold. Here is a short list of some roles that our position requires:

  • peace maker/keeper
  • disciplinarian
  • role model
  • teacher
  • activity director
  • chauffeur
  • confidant
  • leader
  • nurse

Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward.  – Psalm 127:3

Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement

We carry a lot on our shoulders and it is a heavy load.  Sometimes I do feel like I am lacking. So I decided it was important to create a Mom Mission Statement. This helps me to stay on track with my goals and to be more intentional in motherhood. It really helps me on those rough days. As a family we also created a family mission statement and it really helped to define us as a family and provide cohesiveness. You can read that post here: Family Mission Statement: The Importance of Having One

So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. – Philippians 4:8

I often think I shouldn’t have gotten so mad, I should have been more in the moment, I should have handled the situation better, I should have, I should have, I should have… Is this a familiar phrase for you?  Let’s start on your mission statement.

Steps to Creating your Mission Statement

Clear away any distractions and make this time all about you.

    1. Pray about it
    2. Answer the questions below
    3. From your answers write your statement
    4. Read your statement everyday

Questions to help you make your own Mom Mission Statement

When answering these questions make your answers only about you as a mom, not as a wife.

  1. What are your strengths as a mom?
  2. What are your weaknesses as a mom?
  3. What type of mom do you want to be?
  4. Is there a mom that you look to as role model? What are her characteristics that you admire?
  5. What kind of home environment do you want to create?
  6. How do you want your kids to describe you to others?

I have created a worksheet for you where you can write you answers and also write out your mission statement. Get it here.

Where to Put Your Mom Mission Statement

Here is a list of some ideas as to where to put your statement. Make it easily accessible and a place where you will remember to read it on a daily basis. You may even want to have more than one copy so you can place it around the house.

  1. On your nightstand (easy to look at first thing in the morning)
  2. In your Bible
  3. In your prayer journal
  4. On your refrigerator
  5. In the car
  6. In your purse

Become a more in the moment and intentional mom. Create a mom mission statement

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. – Proverbs 14:1

A kindhearted woman gains respect. -Proverbs 11:16

As moms we seem to get caught up in the fantasy of perfection and we compare ourselves to others. Stop it! God has entrusted you with your child and has given you the resources you need for your motherhood journey. Have confidence in yourself and know that you are never alone, even when it does feel like it. You were created for such a time as this and have not been given any more than you can handle. Have faith and stay strong. You will be rewarded.

Let me know how your mission statement is helping you with mothering and staying focused.


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