Side Dishes

Green Beans with Mushrooms

March 25, 2019
green beans with mushrooms in a white bowl

This green bean with mushroom recipe is so good you’ll want to lick your plate when you’re done!  

I have a confession…I was a hands down green bean hater for many years. My grandparents had a big garden and one of the vegetables they grew were green beans. Since they had an abundance my grandmother would can them. Let me tell you, I am not a fan of canned green beans. They have a strange, almost kind of mush texture and the color wasn’t that pretty. They no longer had their bright green vibrance.

Canned was the way we ate them most of the time. We did have fresh also but I just remember the canned.  I just wasn’t a fan and I got really bummed when they were on the dinner table.

As I got older I realized that the way something is cooked will depend on if you like it or not. I love green beans now!

chicken with green beans and mushrooms on a white plate with a fork and glass of water

This recipe will be devoured by everyone you serve it to, even the kids. Yes, when I first made this recipe for my family my daughter asked me if I would only make green beans this way from now on. She had seconds and she wanted thirds but there was none left. I would say they are kid approved!

There are only 4 ingredients to this recipe…green beans, shallots, garlic, and mushrooms. It not only tastes fantastic, it will also make your kitchen smell delicious. 

I use cremini or shiitake mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms are more expensive so I use them on occasion. Which ever mushroom you choose the recipe is delicious. 

This is simple enough to make on a weeknight and fancy enough to make for a special occasion or holiday. 

green beans, mushrooms, shallot, garlic


green beans with mushrooms in a white bowl

You will boil the green beans in a small amount of water until they are the tenderness you like. While they cook, cut up your mushrooms and the shallot. Once the beans are done transfer them to a bowl and sauté the mushrooms and shallots for a couple of minutes. Add in the garlic and toss the green beans back into the pan. Sprinkle with salt. It’s very, very, easy to make and quick. 

I hope your family enjoys this side dish as much as mine.

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This green bean recipe is easy and quick to make. It's full of wonderful flavors, mushrooms, shallots, and garlic. These are the best green beans you'll make and they will get eaten up quickly. #greenbeans #kidapproved #weeknight #specialoccasion


Green Beans with Mushrooms
Serves 6
These green beans are so delicious and quick to make. Easy for a weeknight and fancy enough for a special occasion.
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 1 lb fresh green beans, trimmed
  2. 8 oz pkg cremini or shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  3. 1 shallot, peeled and thinly sliced
  4. 2-4 garlic cloves, minced (depending on how much garlic you like)
  5. 2 Tbsp avocado oil
  6. salt
  1. In a large pan place your green beans and cover with 1/2in. water. Put on lid.
  2. Place pan on stove on high heat, once water is boiling turn to medium heat and simmer until green beans are desired tenderness. ( We like them a little crisp so I cook mine for 4-5 minutes)
  3. Drain water and transfer beans to a bowl.
  4. Add 2 Tbsp avocado oil to the pan and turn heat to medium high.
  5. Sauté shallots, mushrooms, and a pinch of salt for 2 minutes. Add in garlic, give it a stir and then add in green beans.
  6. Sprinkle with salt to taste and serve.
Ad Lib Mom


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